Do social media influencers work for brands

Do social media influencers work for brands? (2023 Update)

Social influencer marketing is a relatively new trend, but it has taken the digital marketing industry by storm due to a greater return on investment compared to other social media marketing channels.

It’s difficult to provide current statistics on social media influencers, as the landscape of influencer marketing is constantly evolving. However, here are a few general statistics that may provide some insight into the influence and impact of social media influencers:

  • According to a 2020 survey, 63% of consumers said they were more likely to purchase a product or service recommended by a social media influencer.
  • In 2021, it was estimated that the global influencer marketing industry was worth $9.7 billion, and that it was projected to grow to $15 billion by 2023.
  • Instagram is the most popular platform for influencer marketing, with around 70% of influencers using the platform to promote products and services.
  • A 2019 survey found that the average influencer charge $71.50 per post, but fees can vary significantly depending on the influencer’s reach, engagement, and the specific campaign.

Again, these are just a few examples, and it’s important to note that these statistics may not reflect the current state of the influencer marketing industry.

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • What is Social Influencer Marketing
  • Is Influencer Marketing Profitable?
  • How does Influencer Marketing Work?
  • Who you should contact?
  • How to find and contact Influencers?

What is a social media influencer?

A social media influencer is a person who has built a reputation for their expertise and knowledge on a particular subject or industry, and who uses social media to share that expertise with a large audience. Influencers are often seen as trusted sources of information and can have a significant influence on their followers’ purchasing decisions.

They may work with brands or companies to promote products or services, either through sponsored posts or by creating content that features the brand or product. Many influencers also have a strong presence on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

Who are the most popular social media influencers?

It’s difficult to determine the most popular social media influencers at any given time, as popularity can change quickly on social media platforms. However, some influencers who have gained a large following and are known for their expertise in various fields include:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk: A business and marketing expert who is active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Casey Neistat: A filmmaker and YouTube personality with a large following on YouTube and Instagram.
  • Kim Kardashian: A reality TV star and entrepreneur who has a large following on Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms.
  • Zoella: A beauty and lifestyle influencer who is active on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Huda Kattan: A beauty influencer and entrepreneur who has a large following on Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other social media influencers who are popular in different fields and on different platforms.

Which platforms are most popular with social media influencers?

Which platforms are most popular with social media influencers There are many social media platforms that are popular with influencers, and the specific platforms that an influencer uses may depend on their area of expertise and the type of content they create. Some of the most popular platforms for influencers include:

  • YouTube: Many influencers create video content and share it on YouTube, which is a platform that is popular for video content and has a large audience.
  • Instagram: Instagram is a visual platform that is popular with influencers who create content related to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.
  • TikTok: TikTok is a short-form video platform that has become popular with influencers who create content related to music, dance, and other creative topics.
  • Twitter: Twitter is a platform that is popular with influencers who want to share their thoughts and opinions on current events and other topics in real-time.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that is popular with influencers who want to share their expertise and knowledge with a business audience.

Again, these are just a few examples, and there are many other social media platforms that influencers use to share their content and connect with their audience.

What are social media influencer platforms?

Social media influencer platforms are websites or software that connect influencers with brands or companies that are looking to collaborate on content creation or product promotion. These platforms allow influencers to create profiles that showcase their expertise and reach, and brands can use the platform to search for and reach out to influencers for potential partnerships.

Influencer platforms often provide tools and resources for influencers to manage their partnerships, such as analytics and performance tracking, contract and payment management, and marketing and promotion tools. Some popular influencer platforms include:

  • Influencer Marketing Hub: A platform that connects influencers with brands in various industries, including fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.
  • AspireIQ: A platform that helps brands discover and collaborate with influencers across various social media platforms.
  • Collabor8: A platform that connects influencers with brands in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries.
  • BrandSnob: A platform that helps brands discover and collaborate with influencers in the fashion and beauty industries.

There are many other influencer platforms available, and the specific platform that an influencer uses may depend on their area of expertise and the type of content they create.

What is Social Influencer Marketing?

A social media influencer marketing is a marketing strategy that relies on an expert to market your product. The expert is also known as an influencer because the person has the ability to influence the buying decision of their followers. For instance, you can use help of such a person if you want to persuade students that they need to order an essay from EssayHub to save some time. Anyone such as a singer, sportsman, celebrity, automotive specialist, beautician, doctor, and a successful online entrepreneur can be an influencer. It also means that anyone who is active on social media and who has an active social media following is a potential social media influencer. The fact that people trust influencers and follow them enables users to use their influence by asking them to recommend your product to their audience.

Since influencers have a sway over the things their followers buy, it is likely that people will regard your product as something they should try because the influencer will recommend the product. In other words, partnering with a social media influencer to market your product is known as social media influencer marketing.

Is Influencer Marketing Profitable?

Influencer marketing can be a profitable strategy for both influencers and brands. For influencers, partnering with brands can provide a source of income and allow them to monetize their social media presence and expertise. For brands, influencer marketing can be an effective way to reach and engage with a target audience, and if done well, it can drive sales and contribute to the bottom line.

However, it’s important to note that not all influencer marketing campaigns are successful, and it’s crucial for brands to carefully plan and execute their campaigns to ensure that they are providing a good return on investment. Factors that can impact the profitability of an influencer marketing campaign include the reach and engagement of the influencer, the quality of the content, the alignment of the influencer with the brand’s values and image, and the overall effectiveness of the campaign in driving sales or achieving other desired outcomes.

How much should I pay a social media influencer?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much you should pay a social media influencer, as fees can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors. Some of the factors that may affect how much you should pay an influencer include:

  • The influencer’s reach: Influencers with a larger following or higher engagement levels may charge more for their services.
  • The influencer’s expertise: Influencers who are experts in a particular field or have a strong reputation in their industry may charge more for their services.
  • The influencer’s engagement rate: Influencers who have a high engagement rate (e.g., a high number of likes, comments, and shares on their posts) may be able to command higher fees.
  • The type of content: Some types of content, such as video content or sponsored posts, may be more expensive than others.
  • The duration of the partnership: Longer partnerships may be more expensive than shorter ones.

It’s important to keep in mind that influencer fees can vary significantly, and you may need to negotiate with the influencer to determine a fee that is fair and reasonable for both parties. In general, it’s a good idea to research the market rates for influencer services and consider your budget when determining how much to pay an influencer.

How Does Influencer Marketing Work?

How Does Influencer Marketing Work Influencer marketing uses an influencer to market a product. In a typical scenario, the client will ask an influencer to recommend their product on social media to their followers in exchange for a cost. If the product appeals to the influencer or the influencer regularly advertises a sample of products, then they will post the product as a social post, feed, or a video highlighting its benefits. In return, the product owner will likely get a response because there post is actively seen by thousands, and in some cases, millions of people.

It is important to realize that the influencer does not have to be a celebrity or a well-known person. In fact, anyone who has an active social media following is a potential influencer who can help sell your product or service. The list of influencers include celebrities, content creators, thought leaders, industry experts, and professionals. All of these influencers can generate a buzz by asking you to pay them an upfront cost or even share in the overall profit generated by their posts.



Who you should contact?

Depending on the size, there are typically three types of influencers: Celebrities, macro influencers, and micro influencers. Celebrities often have millions of fans that are distributed across multiple social media channels. Musicians, athletes, and actors are examples of celebrities who may be very active in social media. However, you should note that the typical engagement rates of a celebrity are anywhere between 2 percent and 5 percent, which means that only a very small percentage of the followers actively engage with a celebrity post.

It also means that your product may or may not be compatible with the audience and followers. Only if you have a musical product, it makes sense to engage a musician because the product will sell to music lovers.

HypeAuditor is a great platform for analyzing & researching potential influencers who maybe a good fit for your product or service.

Macro Influencers are experts, industry leaders, and well-known personalities who have close to a million followers. Based on the lifestyle of the influencer, the engagement levels of these influencers are often five times greater than a celebrity because they are known to be an expert in a specific niche. It means that their followers are targeted audiences who are specifically interested in a post because the post most likely adheres to a specific niche field. Examples of macro influencers include online entrepreneurs and public speakers.

Micro influencers are similar to macro influencers, but they usually have less than 100,000 followers. Their profile matches the profile of their bigger brethren, but they may cost less than their larger counterparts.


Adding a larger repertoire of social media posts will help you reach a broader market group. The purpose of influencing is to reach target groups which you otherwise would not by singling in on super specific topics. While there is contradictory information in that you should have a focus, being flexible when it comes to what kind of content you can produce, edit or distribute will give you a leg up.

Focusing on a topic which you know well is important because you can give people information that is relevant to your own likes. Niche topics can be fine if there is a big enough market for them, to which you should do the research through Google analytics or other website traffic data services. However, it is crucial to know that being a jack of all trades does pay off in the area of having a bigger base of content consumers.

Engagement Rates and Times

Similar to how you are focusing on flexibility with whom you want to engage with, you should also know the importance of the engagement rates and times. Understanding how a market works relies on knowing when it works. Your rates of engagement will increase and decrease depending on times of the day, as well as locations. Some areas will see decreases because they may be earlier or later in the day, when people are busy, or the opposite depending on time zones. Being flexible in the posting of your content will allow you to reach the most users. Rate of engagement and posting times help you analyze how to accurately predict when your users are also online and when the usage rate of social media spikes.

Which Accounts Should You Connect With?

Making engagements of your account and your content increase is also important for growing your brand and getting your name out there. The only way to do that is through networking. The best part about marketing online is that networking can be done instantaneously. You do not need to schedule meetings, conference calls, or other physical marketing techniques. You simply need to connect by messaging, email, direct messaging, or tagging and trying to get their attention.

This does not mean that everyone will contact you in return, but the best way to do it is to reach out to as many other influencers as possible to garner interest in you and your content. Trial and error works well here because you will be turned down or ignored by a lot of influencers simply because they can feel like you aren’t on their radar in terms of being useful, and that is nothing to worry about.

It’s all about numbers and reaching a wide audience, which means a wide audience of other social media influencers. Marketing yourself as flexible in your goals can help you make partners. Network with other like-minded brands that need exposure similar to you. It can also help you to have a diverse range of collaborators even if they do not match your content. You can then use those connections to build other brands under your control which can benefit from niches of those users.

Be Authentic With Your Marketing

Be Authentic With Your Marketing Caption length has shown to be increasing and this helps for marketing purposes. When you are trying to market or post ad content, try to keep it authentic. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid trying to sell or push a product. Instead, try to make that meaningful content work well with your ability to market a product. Getting sponsorship opportunities can be rare, but if you utilize your audience well, you can make your platform grow. This can grow exponentially just by virtue of having that kind of exposure opportunity.

Making it known that something is a sponsored post or an ad is an authentic way to go. It does not feel like an underhanded or sneaky way of letting your followers know you are a good marketing source for other companies. Keeping it simple and letting your followers know, without using any spammy tactics. This is a good way to make it known that you have integrity even when posting ad content.

Using social media schedulers to add a large repertoire of social media posts, will help you reach a broader market group.


Making your captions lengthy enough to include any relevant information, without sounding like a broken record either. Don’t try to get too fancy with any of the writing. This isn’t a research paper or a school essay, you just need to get your point across. Provide a solid amount of information and provide it in a way that is quick and easy to read. When you try too hard or do too much it comes off as inauthentic and people can quickly tell. There seems to be a set formula that a lot of people think is a good guide for their content. However, it is a good way of letting people know that you do not value their intelligence as consumers.

You want to present an image of professionalism (ex. Editing your captions and making sure that it sounds good) while remaining down to earth and likable. How you present yourself through writing captions will greatly improve your chances of influencing potential. Consider how much of your content is marketable through both the visuals and written aspects.

How to find and contact Influencers?

Before contacting and finding influencers, it’s important to understand the budget and your targeted audience. According to a popular influencer platform, the average price per post for micro influencers was $83. Most of these micro influencers had approximately 1000 followers. In contrast, influencers with more than 100,000 active followers charged about $783 per post. It is estimated that celebrities with more than a million followers charge thousands of dollars per post.

The Fool-Proof Guide To Social Media Influencer Marketing suggests that the return-on-investment does not depend on celebrity status; instead, it’s the engaged audience that matters. Some influencers also have the ability to target a specific audience when requested by their clients. The type of platform used by the influencer is another important. For instance, Instagram is very popular among fashion and beauty brands while Facebook is attractive for travel companies. Likewise, Youtube is a major source of revenue for photographers and media companies.

Deciding on an Influencer

Once you have decided what you’re going to pay. The easiest method is to access an influencer platform.  Platforms allow you to easily reach hundreds of potential influencers based on your industry. The statistics often include historical ROI, cost per post, type of platform, and the ability to target specific audiences. Some influencer platforms target video games and the game industry. Here’s a great guide on how to get twitter followers.

Overall, your goal should be to extract the maximum return on your investment by targeting individuals who will likely respond and interact with your post. Using an influencer platform may be a good start as it offers you the opportunity to contact influencers. Influencers who are willing to work with like-minded individuals. As suggested, some of these platforms also offer in-depth statistics that you can use to make better predictions. This allows you to monitor potential results and analyze what you will likely get from your investment.


In conclusion, social media influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular and effective way for brands to reach and engage with their target audience. By partnering with influencers who have a large following and are seen as trusted sources of information, brands can leverage the influencer’s credibility and influence to promote their products or services.

However, it’s important for brands to carefully consider their influencer partnerships and ensure that they are working with influencers who align with their values and brand image. It’s also crucial to measure the effectiveness of influencer campaigns and continually assess their performance to ensure that they are providing a good return on investment.

Overall, social media influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for brands looking to build their online presence and drive sales, but it’s important to approach it strategically and thoughtfully.



Angelo Frisina

Angelo Frisina, CEO and founder of Sunlight Media LLC, offers expert digital marketing and web development services worldwide.

With extensive experience in SEO, web design, and digital marketing, Angelo understands the needs of modern businesses. His focus on innovative solutions and superior results helps businesses grow rapidly and outrank competitors. Angelo's commitment to client success is driven by his passion for exceeding expectations.

Specializing in SEO strategies, Angelo's clients include local businesses, startups, non-profits, government agencies, and local businesses. Sunlight Media LLC works closely with clients to develop unique, effective solutions, emphasizing exceptional customer service.

With over 22 years of experience, Angelo has optimized hundreds of websites on platforms such as WordPress, Magento, PHP/Laravel, Joomla!, and Shopify, ensuring clients achieve top search engine rankings in the evolving digital landscape.

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One Comment

  • Monopolize February 4, 2022 at 8:12 am

    Having read the blog post, I feel it is very informative and all points are explained clearly. Influencer marketing can be described as a form of the social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers who have a large following on social media and are seen as authority figures within their respective industries. Thank you for sharing this with us.