Invalid Clicks

Invalid Clicks: How They Can Affect Your Google AdWords Campaign

Whether you’re a pay per click campaign veteran or a rookie to the PPC game, you’ve undoubtedly come across what’s known in the industry as “invalid clicks.” This term refers specifically to Google Ads campaigns, however, the underlying meaning is the same across all PPC platforms.

What exactly are invalid clicks anyways? Why are they important? How can they affect your business’s PPC campaigns? Don’t worry we get to the bottom of all these questions (and more) in the following sections.

Rather than waste your time traversing through Google’s documentation regarding invalid clicks (which can be confusing to people unfamiliar with the platform), we’ve compiled everything you need to know regarding click fraud, invalid clicks, and PPC campaign optimization below.

Invalid Clicks 101

There’s nothing worse than seeing numerous “multiple click” warnings/notifications in your Google Ads admin console. Well, that’s not quite true. Seeing hundreds (or even thousands) of such notifications can be anxiety-inducing for even the most experienced PPC managers.

To put it as simply as possible; invalid clicks are basically how Google notifies you that your campaign is receiving fake and/or fraudulent clicks. If you’re brand new to the PPC world, the term “click fraud” might sound alarming (and honestly – it should alarm you).

Click fraud costs the ad industry every single year, and no business/campaign is truly safe from it (unless the necessary precautions are taken – which we cover further below).

Every single year it costs the ad industry tens of millions of wasted dollars as a direct result of click fraud. Companies need to take proper precaution along with spending money on their PPC campaigns to protect themselves from this problem.

While Google avoids using the term “click fraud” in their Ads admin console, having a large number of invalid clicks is one of the tell-tale signs that something very suspicious is going on with your campaign(s).

Types of Click Fraud

Below is a list of the five most common types of invalid clicks that a campaign can experience:

  1. Accidental clicks: These are clicks that are made by mistake, such as clicking on an ad by accident or repeatedly clicking on an ad without intending to. These clicks do not represent genuine interest in the advertised product or service.
  2. Fraudulent clicks: These are clicks that are made with the intention of artificially inflating the number of clicks on an ad. This can be done through the use of bots or other automated means.
  3. Invalid clicks from competitors: These are clicks that are made by competitors in an effort to drain the budget of a rival’s AdWords campaign.
  4. Invalid clicks from publishers: These are clicks that are made by the publisher of an ad (such as a website owner) in an attempt to increase their own revenue from the ad.
  5. Invalid clicks from unqualified traffic: These are clicks that come from sources that are not relevant to the advertised product or service. This could include clicks from users who are not in the target demographic or who are located in an area where the product or service is not available.

Invalid Clicks: Platform Identification

Platform Identification As an advertiser using Google AdWords, it’s important to understand the various types of invalid clicks that can occur and how they can impact your campaigns. One type of invalid click that you may encounter is one that is caused by platform identification issues.

Invalid clicks from unidentified platforms occur when the device or platform used to click on an ad is not properly recognized or identified by the AdWords system. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as when an ad is clicked on using an unsupported browser or operating system, or when the device used to click on the ad is not properly configured.

When invalid clicks from unidentified platforms occur, they can result in inaccurate data and a lower return on investment for the advertiser. This is because the AdWords system may not be able to accurately track and attribute these clicks to the correct ad or campaign.

To avoid invalid clicks from unidentified platforms, it’s important to ensure that all devices and platforms used to click on your ads are properly configured and supported by the AdWords system. This can include making sure that your ads are optimized for mobile devices, as well as ensuring that your ads are compatible with a wide range of browsers and operating systems.

In addition to optimizing your ads for different platforms and devices, it’s also important to monitor your AdWords campaigns for any suspicious or unusual activity. This can include keeping an eye out for sudden spikes in clicks or traffic from unfamiliar sources, as well as monitoring your click-through rate and conversion rate to identify any potential issues.

By staying vigilant and taking steps to prevent invalid clicks from unidentified platforms, you can help ensure that your AdWords campaigns are as successful and effective as possible.

Blocking Invalid Clicks and Protecting Your Campaigns From Fraud

To protect your AdWords campaigns from invalid clicks and fraud, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Use automatic click detection and blocking: Google has built-in systems that can detect and block invalid clicks in real-time. By enabling automatic click detection and blocking, you can help ensure that your campaigns are protected from fraudulent activity.
  2. Monitor your campaigns regularly: It’s important to regularly monitor your campaigns for any suspicious or unusual activity. This can include keeping an eye out for sudden spikes in clicks or traffic from unfamiliar sources, as well as monitoring your click-through rate and conversion rate to identify any potential issues.
  3. Use negative keywords: Negative keywords can help you exclude certain search terms or phrases from triggering your ads. This can help prevent your ads from being shown to users who are not interested in your product or service, which can help reduce the number of invalid clicks.
  4. Use conversion tracking: Conversion tracking allows you to track the actions that users take after clicking on your ad. By setting up conversion tracking, you can get a better understanding of which ads are driving the most valuable actions, and use this information to optimize your campaigns and target the most qualified leads.

By taking these steps to block invalid clicks and protect your campaigns from fraud, you can help ensure that your AdWords campaigns are as successful and effective as possible.

Protecting Your Campaigns From Invalid Clicks

If your campaigns have been receiving invalid clicks, you shouldn’t only be relying on Google to protect your account. It’s true that Google has an entire department devoted to combating click fraud and invalid clicks. However, one of the best ways to protect your campaign(s) from click fraud is by taking the matter into your own hands.

There are numerous methods/tactics that can be used to successfully protect a campaign from fraud and/or invalid click activity. Below are three of the most common tactics that both advertisers and PPC managers employ to fight invalid clicks.

IP Address Identification

IP Address Identification As an advertiser using Google AdWords, it’s important to understand the role that IP addresses play in identifying and tracking clicks on your ads. IP addresses are unique numerical labels assigned to each device connected to the internet, and they can be used to identify the location and identity of the device.

In the context of AdWords, IP addresses can be used to identify the location and identity of the device that clicked on an ad. This information can be useful in identifying invalid clicks, such as clicks from competitors or publishers looking to manipulate your campaign.

However, IP address identification can also have its limitations. For example, if a user is using a proxy or VPN, their IP address may not accurately reflect their actual location. In addition, users who are using multiple devices or accessing the internet through a shared network may have the same IP address, which can make it difficult to accurately track and attribute clicks to a specific device.

Despite these limitations, IP address identification can still be a useful tool in identifying and tracking clicks on your AdWords ads. By understanding the role that IP addresses play in AdWords, you can take steps to protect your campaigns from invalid clicks and optimize your targeting to reach the most qualified leads.

IP Ownership

  1. What is IP ownership? IP ownership refers to the legal ownership of an internet protocol (IP) address. IP addresses are unique numerical labels assigned to each device connected to the internet, and they can be used to identify the location and identity of the device.
  2. Who owns IP addresses? IP addresses are typically owned by internet service providers (ISPs) or organizations that are responsible for assigning and managing them. In some cases, IP addresses may be owned by private individuals or businesses.
  3. What happens when the ownership of an IP address changes? When the ownership of an IP address changes, the new owner is responsible for managing and using the address according to the rules and regulations set by the internet community. This can include using the address to connect devices to the internet, or assigning it to other users or organizations.
  4. Can IP addresses be transferred or sold? In some cases, IP addresses may be transferred or sold to other parties. This can occur when a business or organization no longer needs an IP address, or when a new owner is taking over the management of an address.
  5. How does IP ownership impact internet users? IP ownership can impact internet users in a variety of ways. For example, if an IP address is owned by an ISP, the ISP may control which websites and services users can access through that address. In addition, changes in IP ownership can result in changes in connectivity or performance for users. It’s important for internet users to be aware of the ownership of their IP address and to understand any potential impacts it may have on their online experience.

Blocking Suspicious IP Addresses

You need to make a list of IP addresses that you think are committing fraud on your ads/website. Following that the next step would be to actually block them within Google Ads.

Blocking fraudulent IP addresses is a relatively simple process. All you need to do is go to your Google Ads admin console. Go to the “Campaign” page, and then hit the “Settings” link. On the settings page, you can navigate to the IP exclusions link. From there you can block your list of fraudulent IP addresses.

Additional Tactics to Avoid (and Prevent) Click Fraud

  1. What are suspicious IP addresses?

    Suspicious IP addresses are internet protocol (IP) addresses that may be associated with fraudulent or malicious activity. This can include IP addresses that are known to be used by hackers or botnets, or that have been involved in spam or phishing attacks.

  2. How can suspicious IP addresses impact your AdWords campaigns?

    If suspicious IP addresses are able to click on your AdWords ads, it can result in a number of negative consequences for your campaigns. This can include inflating your click-through rate, driving up your costs, and decreasing the effectiveness of your ads. In some cases, suspicious IP addresses may even result in your ads being banned or suspended by Google.

  3. How can you identify suspicious IP addresses?

    There are a few different ways to identify suspicious IP addresses:

  • Monitor your campaigns regularly: By regularly monitoring your AdWords campaigns, you can identify any sudden spikes in clicks or traffic from unfamiliar sources. This can be a sign of suspicious activity.
  • Use conversion tracking: Conversion tracking allows you to track the actions that users take after clicking on your ad. By setting up conversion tracking, you can get a better understanding of which ads are driving the most valuable actions, and use this information to identify any potential issues.
  • Check IP address reputation: There are a number of tools and services available that can help you check the reputation of an IP address. These tools can provide information about the history and usage of an IP address, which can help you identify any potential issues.
  1. How can you block suspicious IP addresses?

    There are a few different ways to block suspicious IP addresses from clicking on your AdWords ads:

  • Use automatic click detection and blocking: Google has built-in systems that can detect and block invalid clicks in real-time. By enabling automatic click detection and blocking, you can help ensure that your campaigns are protected from fraudulent activity.
  • Use IP exclusions: IP exclusions allow you to exclude specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses from seeing or clicking on your ads. This can be useful for blocking suspicious IP addresses that you have identified.
  • Use negative keywords: Negative keywords can help you exclude certain search terms or phrases from triggering your ads. This can help prevent your ads from being shown to users who are not interested in your product or service, which can help reduce the number of invalid clicks.
  1. How can you prevent suspicious IP addresses from clicking on your ads in the future?

    By taking the steps outlined above, you can help prevent suspicious IP addresses from clicking on your AdWords ads in the future. In addition, you can also take steps to improve the security of your website and your online presence to reduce the risk of being targeted by suspicious IP addresses. This can include using strong passwords, implementing two-factor authentication, and regularly updating your software and systems. By taking these precautions, you can help protect your AdWords campaigns from suspicious IP addresses and other types of fraudulent activity.

Click Fraud Conclusions

To effectively protect your AdWords campaign from fraud, it’s essential to stay vigilant and be proactive in detecting and preventing invalid clicks. This means knowing what to look for and having a plan in place to report and prevent fraudulent activity. While Google and other platforms do have systems in place to detect and block invalid clicks, it’s important to take your own steps to protect your campaigns to the best of your ability.

This can include manually monitoring your campaigns or using automated software to identify and prevent fraudulent clicks. Don’t rely solely on the platform to handle click fraud for you – be proactive in protecting your campaigns to ensure their success.

Angelo Frisina

Angelo Frisina, CEO and founder of Sunlight Media LLC, offers expert digital marketing and web development services worldwide.

With extensive experience in SEO, web design, and digital marketing, Angelo understands the needs of modern businesses. His focus on innovative solutions and superior results helps businesses grow rapidly and outrank competitors. Angelo's commitment to client success is driven by his passion for exceeding expectations.

Specializing in SEO strategies, Angelo's clients include local businesses, startups, non-profits, government agencies, and local businesses. Sunlight Media LLC works closely with clients to develop unique, effective solutions, emphasizing exceptional customer service.

With over 22 years of experience, Angelo has optimized hundreds of websites on platforms such as WordPress, Magento, PHP/Laravel, Joomla!, and Shopify, ensuring clients achieve top search engine rankings in the evolving digital landscape.

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One Comment

  • PX Media February 16, 2022 at 9:54 am

    Great piece of information, Thank you for sharing the updated one…