Magento FAQ

magento faqWhat is Magento?

Magento is arguably the widest used open source e-commerce platform on the market, providing merchants with a very scalable, flexible and intuitive online shopping platform. In detail, it features an array of sophisticated tools for online marketing, SEO, customer management, invoicing and inventory-management, which you can customize to individual needs.  Consequently, the Magento platform is considered the best e-commerce solution option for large-scale online stores seeking a fully customized user interface with many custom features. We hope this Magento FAQ page will help you understand this platform in more detail.

What is the benefit of Open Source?

Open Source platforms allow users the ability to have direct access to the source code, allowing developers to modify it to their specific requirements. By doing so, they allow business owners the freedom to host the software on whichever hosting provider they wish, meaning you own your website. In light of this, don’t rent your website, which is what many of the DIY platforms, (Square Space, Wix, Weebly, Shopify etc.) offer. If these DIY platforms go out of business, then so does your website.

What does Magento cost?

There is a free community version of Magento, which is suitable for most small online stores. However, larger scale enterprise sites would require a different level of service. Learn more.

If I encountered problems, downloading and using Magento what do I need to do?

Are you seeking a Magento development company? Sunlight Media provides full stack Magento development services for small, medium and large businesses. Reach out to our support staff for assistance.

Are custom extensions still widely supported by Magento?

Generally not, although Sunlight Media can assist with customized extensions or any issues you may be experiencing with existing extensions. Alternatively, you can post a thread to one of the many Magento forums to seek further assistance or advice.

Magento FAQ: Is there an online demo of Magento?

Yes, click here

magento faqWhat license does Magento use?

Magento is Open source software certified License 3.0.

Where can I find extensions and third party connects for my Magento store?

Because Magento is so popular, there are numerous sites online to seek Magento extensions both free and paid. For example, simply do a Google search for “Magento Connect” and you should find hundreds of options.

What features does Magento Support?

Magento supports hundreds of features. Check out this comprehensive features list.

What Payment Gateway providers can I use with Magento?

There are many payment gateway providers that work with Magento. We can integrate any payment provider you currently use. However, if you’re seeking our recommendation, we strongly suggest

Can I host Magento with my current provider?

There are many hosting providers that support Magento. Check with your current provider, though. Otherwise we suggest Media Temple.

How can I find the best support for Magento?

Finally, Magento can be a complicated platform for web developers that haven’t used it before. We suggest finding someone who has a proven track record of building customized Magento stores in the past. Sunlight Media has been developing custom sites with Magento for over eight years. Furthermore, our developers are highly trained, certified and skilled experts on this platform. Get a free quote for your Magento project.

Is Magento considered a better platform than Shopify?

Both Magento and Shopify are powerful tools for building an e-commerce platform. While Shopify is a paid software, Magento is an open-source software accessible to anyone. However, Magento does require prior background knowledge in coding, while Shopify is easily available for users who are looking to build their platform easily.

Is Magento considered a better platform than WooCommerce?

While Magento and WooCommerce are both free open-source software, the costs of building and managing a Magento-based e commerce platform can become much higher than that of the WooCommerce platform. Simultaneously users prefer employing WooComerce because of its high compatibility with WordPress websites, the world’s most powerful content management system.

Is Magento considered a better platform than Opencart?

Opencart is primarily designed for amateur businesses, while Magento’s platform is intended for larger enterprises that can support the higher costs and learning curve. The wide community Magento compared to that of the less popular Opencart platform also makes Magento more attractive as Magento users have easier access to support.

Is Magento considered a better platform than PrestaShop?

Magento’s larger community of users in addition to paid support team is assuring for users who may encounter difficulties while using the software; meanwhile PrestaShop’s support is relatively smaller. Magento’s infrastructure supports more complex and large scale businesses, while similar to the other platforms, PrestaShop is perfectly suitable for smaller shops.

How do I install Magento?

Compared to most e-commerce platforms, installing Magento becomes a fairly complicating process without proper guidance. To install Magento, users must set up the developing environment (operating system, web server, PHP, MySQL database). Users must also download the actual Magento software and use the command line and setup wizard for installation. There is an option to download with or without sample data, which is designed to familiarize users with the Magento platform.

What is the Magento marketplace?

The Magento marketplaceis Magento’s online extension store that offers its consumers a wide range of products that they can incorporate into their e-commerce website. From extensions for customer service to site optimization, the Magento marketplace provides extensions, themes, and other powerful tools to build up a prospering business.

Is there a Magento mobile app?

Online businesses can utilize DIY platforms to instantly transform their online store into an immersive mobile experience for their customers. Such platforms put a great emphasis on powering a user-friendly and responsive application. Although these approaches typically require an investment, creating an application for your business is a powerful marketing service that Sunlight Media actually encourages for their clients. Check out our app design services.

Does Magento support multi-vendor accounts?

For businesses looking to expand into multi-vendor services, the Magento marketplace offers the Marketplace Multi Vendor Extension by Creative Minds that creates an accessible and easy-to-use platform for both the site admin and its vendors. Business owners can customize their platform to adjust the presentation of their multi-vendor products.

Is Magento open source?

Magento has been an open source software since Varien Inc. released its general-availability version on March 31, 2008. The company also offers Magento Commerce Edition, a significantly more expensive and advanced platform designed to accommodate medium to larger enterprises.

Will Magento run on AWS?

Amazon Web Services enables users to construct their Magento-powered business platform via the AWS Cloud. Inside the user’s AWS account, a virtual private cloud in addition to a variety of features and necessary tools to create the Magento environment. Users must pay for using AWS while running its Quick Start reference deployment.

What is Magento Order Management?

Magento Order Management is a system that monitors and regulates all commercial-based activity to enhance the shopping experience for customers. It executes the processes that occur to deliver the product to the consumer in the most efficient manner. Order Management handles the complexities of preorders, returns, back-orders, and order splitting.

Magento is not sending emails. How do we fix it?

A basic step to troubleshooting the common issue of unsent emails is to confirm that users are turning on the email server. Users can also run through their “SMTP Settings” to verify that sending emails has been enabled. Another troubleshooting method is checking “Store Email Addresses” and validating that the user has inputted the customers’ email addresses properly. Additionally, run through any extensions that any Magento may utilize to send customer emails. Another alternative is to check exception and mailing server logs for any messages that may indicate an error.

What is Magento pricing in 2018?

Magento’s Community software is available to anyone at no cost. Meanwhile, the heftier prices of Magento’s advanced Commerce Edition begin at an annual fee of $22,000. A cheaper alternative is Magento Cloud software which begins at $2,000 annually and includes web hosting services.

Where can I find free Magento themes?

There are plenty of web services that offer free Magento themes: Colorlib is a useful tool that offers businesses many options to get their website started. Magenticians also provides free website templates for both Magento 1 and 2 users. Another alternative is Argento, which hosts a wide selection of website themes to support e-commerce platforms selling fashion, consumer products, and services.

Is there a Magento theme detector?

While there are not necessarily any accessible Magento theme detectors, you can try checking the HTML source code of the website (“View Source”). Under the keyword skin/frontend, there should be the keywords PACKAGE/THEME which is followed by the theme template for the Magento site.

Where can I find a Magento tutorial for beginners?

There are dozens of free online resources that provide beginners with a helpful guide to launch their e-commerce platform. TutorialsPoint offers an in-depth guide that covers many useful topics for Magento amateurs from installation to improving your Magento site. In addition to covering technical processes such as installation, SiteGround also helps users to set up their website (templates, widgets, etc.).

Does Magento work with Zendesk?

Zendesk Support enables business owners to integrate their Magento App. Using the Zendesk platform can create a better shopping experience and enhance collaboration and communication methods within your business team.

Is there a Magento YouTube API?

To create your YouTube API key, you may access the Google Developers Console through your Google account. Through your Magento admin sidebar, you can paste the server key into the “Product Videos” section of the Catalog (under Configuration). From the corresponding Product Detail section you can insert the YouTube video’s URL.