SEO Services Company in Los Angeles

Expand your online visibility with Sunlight Media's results-driven SEO services in Los Angeles.

We help California businesses climb search rankings, attract more qualified leads, and achieve sustained growth. Contact us today and let our experts develop a customized SEO strategy for your business.

Start Your SEO Journey Today – Lets Connect!

    Start Your SEO Journey Today – Lets Connect!

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      Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

      Great design and management team. Very attentive and responsive during the process of building my ecommerce website. I was able to make a number of decisions and design changes after the initial development phase and Sunlight media was flexible in implementing these changes efficiently and reasonably.
      John Keane
      Angelo and the good folks at Sunlight Media are always very responsive to my inquiries. I promptly get replies to my emails.
      Tristan Brown
      They have been everything that I’ve asked for and have delivered everything that they have promised
      Gary Numan
      These are a truly talented group of individuals who have a refined skillset - they educate as much as they work on your project, you will not be disappointed in working with Angelo and his team
      Sunlight Media, led by Angelo, is a fantastic, prompt, well priced business that offers all of the technical knowledge to manage my business's website.
      Zoe Unkovich

      Awards & Recognitions


      Sunlight Media - The #1 Los Angeles SEO Agency

      Looking to climb the search rankings and outshine your competition? You’ve come to the right place!

      Based in the heart of Los Angeles, we’ve helped businesses of all sizes skyrocket their online presence. From local startups to global brands, our personalized SEO strategies deliver real results.

      Our team of SEO wizards combines cutting-edge techniques with good old-fashioned hard work to get you noticed online.

      But don’t just take our word for it. Our clients’ success stories speak volumes. We’ve boosted traffic, increased conversions, and transformed businesses across LA and California.

      Sunlight’s SEO Spectrum of Full-Service Solutions

      We offer a holistic, full-service SEO stack that covers all bases. Our comprehensive strategy ensures no stone is left unturned. Our SEO toolkit is designed to propel you to the top, be it dominating local searches or making waves globally.

      Keyword Research Strategy

      Technical SEO

      On-Page SEO

      We uncover the exact terms your audience is actively searching for. Our advanced tools and expert analysis pinpoint high-value keywords that attract targeted traffic. This forms the foundation of our SEO strategy, focused on words and phrases that truly matter to your business. We fine-tune your website’s backend so search engines love it as much as your visitors do. From optimizing site speed and mobile responsiveness to fixing crawl errors and improving site structure, our technical SEO experts will prime your site for peak performance in search rankings. We optimize every element of your web pages to maximize search engine appeal. This includes compelling meta titles and descriptions, optimizing header tags, and ensuring your content is user-friendly and search-engine optimized. We make sure every page on your site is working its hardest to climb the search rankings and stay at the top.

      Link Building

      Content Creation & Optimization

      Local SEO

      We build your site’s authority through strategic, high-quality backlinks. Our white-hat techniques focus on earning links from reputable sources in your industry. We don’t just aim for quantity; we prioritize quality links that signal to search engines your site is a trusted resource in your field. We produce engaging, SEO-friendly content that speaks to both your audience and search engines. Our team writes articles, blog posts, and web copy naturally incorporating your target keywords. We also refine existing content so that every page on your site pulls its weight in increasing your rankings and keeping visitors interested. We put your business on the map—literally! Our local SEO strategies ensure you’re visible to nearby customers when they search for your products or services. We optimize your Google My Business profile, manage local citations, and fine-tune your site for location-specific keywords, helping you dominate local search results.

      Why Choose Sunlight Media As Your Los Angeles SEO Company?

      Searching for the right SEO company in Los Angeles can feel like finding a needle in a digital haystack. With so many options, it’s tough to know who can truly deliver results and who’s just blowing smoke.

      At Sunlight Media, we cut through the noise. We’re not just another SEO agency – our track record speaks for itself, but we’re more than happy to tell you why we stand out from the crowd.

      Full-Service SEO Company

      Results That Speak Volumes

      We’re your one-stop shop for all things SEO. From initial site audits to ongoing optimization, we handle every aspect of your search engine strategy. Our comprehensive approach covers technical SEO, content creation, link building, and local optimization. We don’t just work on isolated tactics; we address all facets of SEO so that every element works in concert. We let our work do the talking. Our clients have seen significant increases in search rankings, organic traffic, and tangible growth in leads and sales. Our track record is filled with success stories across various industries. Whether you’re a startup looking to make your mark or an established business aiming to expand your digital footprint, our results-driven approach has consistently delivered.

      Dedicated Team of SEO Experts

      Personalized SEO Strategy

      Our SEO specialists bring a wealth of experience from diverse backgrounds, including international business, media communications, and digital marketing. With this blend of expertise, we can approach your SEO challenges from multiple angles. With a passion for staying ahead of industry trends, our team is committed to continuously learning the latest and most effective SEO techniques. We recognize that no two businesses face the same SEO challenges. We take a comprehensive look at your specific goals, industry, and target audience. With these insights, we can create an SEO strategy that’s the best fit for your business. In short, we fine-tune our tactics to match your ambitions.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What are SEO & Internet Marketing Services?

      SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Internet Marketing services encompass a range of strategies designed to improve a website's visibility in search engines and enhance its online presence. This includes keyword optimization, content creation, link building, and leveraging social media platforms to attract and engage with your target audience.

      How can SEO services benefit my business?

      SEO services can significantly benefit your business by increasing your website's visibility in search engine results, driving more organic traffic, improving user experience, and enhancing the credibility of your brand. This leads to higher conversion rates, increased sales, and a stronger online presence.

      How long does it take to see results from SEO?

      We believe in being transparent: SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. While we often identify and implement some quick wins early on, more noticeable results typically take 3-6 months to materialize. The exact timeline depends on factors like your competition and target keywords. However, once our strategies take root, the benefits compound over time, leading to sustained growth in visibility and traffic. Good SEO isn't about overnight success—it's about building a strong, lasting foundation.

      Are SEO & Internet Marketing Services suitable for all types of businesses?

      Yes, SEO and Internet Marketing services are suitable and beneficial for businesses of all sizes and types, whether you're a small local shop, a startup, or a large corporation. Tailoring the strategies to your specific business needs and goals can help maximize the benefits.

      How often should my SEO strategy be updated?

      Your SEO strategy should be regularly reviewed and updated to keep pace with search engine algorithm updates, changes in user behavior, and emerging trends in your industry. A good practice is to assess and tweak your strategy at least quarterly.

      Can I do SEO & Internet Marketing myself, or should I hire a professional?

      While basic SEO and Internet Marketing tasks can be handled by someone with the necessary knowledge and time, hiring a professional or agency can provide more comprehensive results. Professionals bring experience, expertise, and access to advanced tools that can significantly improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

      What if my website is brand new? Can you still help?

      A new website is like a blank canvas—full of potential. As experts in both web design and SEO, we're uniquely positioned to help. We can create a website that's not only visually appealing but also optimized for search engines from day one. This includes implementing the right site structure, creating search-engine-friendly content, and implementing technical best practices. While new sites may take a bit longer to gain traction in search results, starting with a solid SEO strategy gives you a competitive edge.

      Will you need to make changes to my website's design for SEO?

      It depends on your current design, but often, some tweaks can help. A well-designed website isn't just about looks – it needs to be search-engine friendly, too. We might suggest adjustments to improve site speed, mobile responsiveness, or user experience, all of which can boost your SEO. But don't worry – we won't just give your site a complete makeover. If major changes are needed, we'll explain why and work with you to find the best solution.

      Do you offer other digital marketing services besides SEO?

      We have an eclectic range of digital marketing services beyond SEO. These include web design, mobile app development, software development, video production, Photoshop retouching, product photography, logo design, blockchain development, NFT design, and web hosting. Contact us to learn more about our other services.

      Get Your Free SEO Report.


        Our SEO Process

        1. Initial SEO Assessment

        To start, we will really get to know your website inside and out. We’ll take a good, hard look at how it’s doing in terms of SEO right now. We’ll identify what’s working and figure out where it’s not quite hitting the mark.

        Think of this first step as us taking a snapshot of where your site’s at so we can figure out a game plan for improvement. We’ll analyze your site structure, content quality, and technical elements.

        This thorough examination helps us uncover hidden opportunities and pinpoint areas that need attention. By the end of this assessment, we’ll have a clear roadmap for enhancing your site’s search engine performance.

        2. Strategy Planning

        Now that we know where your site stands, we’ll come up with a plan to match what your business actually needs. We’ll identify the most valuable keywords for your industry, map out content opportunities, and outline technical improvements. Our aim? To create a solid game plan that helps you climb the search rankings and stay there.

        3. Implementation

        We’ll put our plan into action, making all those changes we’ve mapped out. We’ll optimize your website’s structure, fine-tune your content, and make sure all the technical SEO boxes are ticked.

        Throughout this process, we’ll keep you in the loop, explaining what we’re doing and why it matters for your SEO success.

        4. Ongoing SEO Management

        SEO isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing process that needs constant attention. We’ll keep a close eye on how your site’s performing, making tweaks and adjustments as we go. We’ll track your rankings, monitor your traffic, and stay on top of any algorithm changes that might affect your site.

        Time to Climb Those Search Rankings!

        You’ve got a great business. Now, let’s make sure people can find it online. Let’s chat about how we can get your website where it belongs – at the top of those search results. No jargon, no empty promises – just solid SEO strategies that work.

        À La Carte SEO Services

        Keyword Research and Strategy
        On-Page SEO
        Technical SEO
        Content Creation and Optimization
        Link Building
        Local SEO