Littman Talent Group

Hayley Littman approached Sunlight Media to develop a custom WordPress website that contains an animated intro

She wanted something fun and exciting that truly represents her growing talent agency. The final version is now live and we are pleased to say Hayley loves it!

Read Hayley’s Google review;













The animation involved a combination of JavaScript, JQuery and CSS3 technologies.

Here is a letter Hayley sent our to her contact list;

Even though I have people around me this is such a specific journey that truthfully not many people know/care/or are interested about it . I think they all think that I’m crazy or being self righteous. Which I promise you its not that ( self righteous…crazy im not sure yet )
You have been there with me /for me and you are my tribe!
Your support, encouragement and truthfully reassurance that this isn’t ridiculous means more to me than you’ll ever know.
I usually am not this headstrong about things unless I know without a doubt its what I’m supposed to do.

I love to write but most of the time its just for me to read. I’ve written throughout college, thru lifes hardest trials and tribulations and now. I never imagined that my words would be read by others. Josh you gave me the confidence just to go with my why.
I guess the website was my first test.

I knew exactly what I wanted to say ( except aspire instead of inspire..thanks Ray) and just went with it.

I asked a few people but the only concrete criticism was with

1. Josh when you said the “we see more than a headshot” should have an image with it on.

2. Trudi you told me to wrap it up with what Littman does and then I coined an integrative
approach to agenting.

I knew the first company wasn’t going to deliver what I wanted and refused to settle. I then researched best web design company in LA and found Angelo. He made this concept into reality.

I had the vision and the words but wasn’t sure it would be accepted. They are truth, authentic and real but was LA ready for that? What if they weren’t and then Littman could be/would be shunned.

I had greater hopes and just went for it. Who really knows what people truthfully think about it …those that follow Littman on social of
course says its great.

But its when you get a random text from a client who is in Spain shooting that you think aha maybe we are onto something . This is how it went :




Now….Ignore the part about me not emailing him back…guess I really am an agent.

But to get this out of the blue just gave me clarity that I am on the right track for this.

So this is just a thank you for being part of my tribe and pushing me to get this all out!!!



  • Website Developer